Custom Promo Vehicle Conversions, Vintage Van Conversion, Vintage Vehicle Restoration

Our Promotional Vehicle Conversions

Using vehicle hires as a trial for your brand’s promotional activity is a great way to prove the concept. But when it’s a roaring success and stakeholders are fully bought-in - how can you repeat vehicle-based promotions in a cost-effective way?

At Promohire, we provide vehicle purchase options for brands looking to boost their long-term marketing and promotional activity with a stand-out centrepiece. We specialise in vintage vehicle restorations, and van conversions where we source, procure and fully convert the interior and exterior. We’ll also help plan the vehicle’s debut campaign with you, including logistics, staffing and fulfilment.

It’s a chance to be really inventive, using exceptional design to create a truly original mobile promotion.

Our Process


After taking a brief on the style or model of vehicle that you’re searching for, we will source prospective options via our international partner network, sharing photos and condition reports with you.

Restoration & Conversion

Once the vehicle has been selected and purchased, our team set to work restoring the bodywork and mechanics to its former glory. Our conversion specialists then fit-out the vehicle interior and install equipment for your intended use.


Our vehicle wrapping team transform the exterior with your designs, brand colours and messaging, creating and fitting props and installations to deliver that ‘wow’ factor. And there you have it, your own custom promotional vehicle!

Our Work

'Ready to Convert' Vehicles

Our team are always on the lookout for rare and unusual vehicles that make a statement and have already sourced these vintage models. These ‘custom promotional vehicles in-waiting’ are ready to be loved, restored and converted to your exact specification!

If something catches your eye, please reach out to our team to find out more about the vehicle specs and conversion capabilities.

Renault Estafette

Renault Estafette - ready for brand purchase and conversion
This handsome retro van is perfect for conversion into a food sampling truck!

VW Tempo Matador

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Add a unique touch to your next campaign with this extremely rare 1950’s van model.

Citroën H-Van

H-Van with High pitched roof for conversion and sale
This horsebox H-Van has a high-pitched roof, ideal for sampling truck conversion.

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Vintage Vehicle Hires

If vintage van conversion and restoration isn’t for you, then check out our stock vintage hire options, including VW campers, H-vans, Estafettes, and Airstream trailers.

Meet the Entire Fleet


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